Statistical and Multifractal Properties of the Time Series Generated by a Modified Minority Game
Statistical Characterizers of Transport in a Communication Network
Statistical Classification of Cascading Failures in Power Grids
Statistical distances between countries and cluster structures in EU area according to macroeconomic indices fluctuations
Statistical dynamics of religion evolutions
Statistical Dynamics of Religions and Adherents
Statistical equilibrium in simple exchange games I
Statistical Laws Governing Fluctuations in Word Use from Word Birth to Word Death
Statistical Laws in Urban Mobility from microscopic GPS data in the area of Florence
Statistical Mechanical Approach to Human Language
Statistical mechanics of non-hamiltonian systems: Traffic flow
Statistical Mechanics of Online Learning for Ensemble Teachers
Statistical mechanics of socio-economic systems with heterogeneous agents
Statistical physics applied to stone-age civilization
Statistical physics of social dynamics
Statistical physics of the Schelling model of segregation
Statistical properties of absolute log-returns and a stochastic model of stock markets with heterogeneous agents
Statistical properties of an experimental political futures market
Statistical Properties of Business Firms Structure and Growth
Statistical properties of daily ensemble variables in the Chinese stock markets