Spherical grand-canonical minority games with and without score discounting
Spin-glass-like Dynamics of Social Networks
Spontaneous emergence of contrarian-like behaviour in an opinion spreading model
Spontaneous reorientations in a model of opinion dynamics with anticonformists
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Interdependent Networked Game
Spreading gossip in social networks
Spreading of Persistent Infections in Heterogeneous Populations
Spreading of sexually transmitted diseases in heterosexual populations
Spreading paths in partially observed social networks
Square root voting system, optimal threshold and π
Stability of graph communities across time scales
Stability of leadership in bottom-up hierarchical organizations
Stability of Maximum likelihood based clustering methods: exploring the backbone of classifications (Who is keeping you in that community?)
Standard random walks and trapping on the Koch network with scale-free behavior and small-world effect
States of Traffic Flow in Deep Lefortovo Tunnel (Moscow): Empirical Data
Statistical analysis of 22 public transport networks in Poland
Statistical analysis of emotions and opinions at Digg website
Statistical Analysis of the Metropolitan Seoul Subway System: Network Structure and Passenger Flows
Statistical Analysis of the Road Network of India
Statistical analysis of weighted networks