Network Growth with Feedback
Network harness: bundles of routes in public transport networks
Network Harness: Metropolis Public Transport
Network Marketing on a Small-World Network
Network model of human language
Network motifs in music sequences
Network of social groups or Let's have a party
Network properties of written human language
Network Quotients: Structural Skeletons of Complex Systems
Network resilience against intelligent attacks constrained by degree dependent node removal cost
Network science: a review focused on tourism
Network structure of inter-industry flows
Network Structure, Self-Organization and the Growth of International Collaboration in Science
Network Topology of the Austrian Airline Flights
Networking Effects on Cooperation in Evolutionary Snowdrift Game
Networks and Networking - A Statistical Physics Perspective
Networks and the Epidemiology of Infectious Disease
Networks based on collisions among mobile agents
Networks between Professionals and Society: A Model for Protein Dependency
Networks of companies and branches in Poland