Local structure of directed networks
Localization and Spreading of Diseases in Complex Networks
Localizations on Complex Networks
Locating privileged spreaders on an Online Social Network
Lock-in & Break-out from Technological Trajectories: Modeling and policy implications
Logarithmic growth dynamics in software networks
London house prices are power-law distributed
Long Term Economic Relationships From Cointegration Maps
Long Trend Dynamics in Social Media
Long-Range Connections in Transportation Networks
Long-range memory model of trading activity and volatility
Long-term Memory and Volatility Clustering in Daily and High-frequency Price Changes
Long-term power-law fluctuation in Internet traffic
Longitudinal Trends in Networks of University-Industry-Government Relations in South Korea: The Role of Programmatic Incentives
Luhmann Reconsidered: Steps Towards an Empirical Research Programme in the Sociology of Communication?