Evolution of cooperation on scale-free networks subject to error and attack
Evolution of Coordination in Social Networks: A Numerical Study
Evolution of economic entities under heterogeneous political/environmental conditions within a Bak-Sneppen-like dynamics
Evolution of ethnocentrism on undirected and directed Barabási-Albert networks
Evolution of interactions and cooperation in the spatial prisoner's dilemma game
Evolution of opinions on social networks in the presence of competing committed groups
Evolution of optimal Lévy-flight strategies in human mental searches
Evolution of public cooperation on interdependent networks: The impact of biased utility functions
Evolution of scaling emergence in large-scale spatial epidemic spreading
Evolution of spatially embedded branching trees with interacting nodes
Evolution of surname distribution under gender-equality measurements
Evolution of Vocabulary on Scale-free and Random Networks
Evolution of Wikipedia's Category Structure
Evolution of Zipf's Law for Indian Urban Agglomerations vis-à-vis Chinese Urban Agglomerations
Evolutionary dynamics and fixation probabilities in directed networks
Evolutionary Dynamics of Populations with Conflicting Interactions: Classification and Analytical Treatment Considering Asymmetry and Power
Evolutionary establishment of moral and double moral standards through spatial interactions
Evolutionary Events in a Mathematical Sciences Research Collaboration Network
Evolutionary game dynamics in a growing structured population
Evolutionary game dynamics in inhomogeneous populations