AXAF-1 high-resolution mirror assembly image model and comparison with x-ray ground-test image
AXAF-mirror effective area calibration using the C-continuum source and solid state detectors
Axial and extra-axial responses in aberrated optical systems with apodizers. Optimization of the Strehl ratio.
Axial force actuators for active control of large primary mirrors.
Axial tolerance in the position of aberration compensators placed in a converging beam
Axially symmetric focusing as a cuspoid diffraction catastrophe: Scalar and vector cases and comparison with the theory of Mie
Axicon Gaussian Laser Beams
Axicons in FSO Systems
Axiomatic approach to certain inverse problems
AY105: an Optical Astronomy Instrumentation Lab Course at Caltech
Azimuthal distribution of arcs and clumps in the F ring of Saturn during August 1995 ring plane crossing.
Azimuthally polarized spatial dark solitons: exact solutions of Maxwell's equations in a Kerr medium
AzTEC: A New Millimeter-Wave Camera