Understanding Dilepton Production in Heavy Ion Collisions by Vector Mesons of Different Varieties
Understanding low energy reaction with exotic nuclei
Understanding nuclear "pasta": current status and future prospects
Understanding of the freeze-out in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions
Understanding Supernova Neutrino Physics using Low-Energy Beta-Beams
Understanding the different rotational behaviors of $^{252}$No and $^{254}$No in terms of high-order deformation
Understanding the Optical Potential in HBT Interferometry
Understanding the rapidity dependence of the elliptic flow and the HBT radii at RHIC
Unexpected goings-on in the structure of a neutron star crust
Unexpected impact of D waves in low-energy neutral pion photoproduction from the proton and the extraction of multipoles
Unexpected transparency in the scattering of fragile $^{6}$Li and $^{6}$He Nuclei
Unfactorized versus factorized calculations for ^2H(e,e'p) reactions at GeV energies
Unfolding the Effects of the T=0 and T=1 Parts of the Two-Body Interaction on Nuclear Collectivity in the f-p Shell
Unification of the physics of nucleons and nuclei
Unified approach to nuclear densities from exotic atoms
Unified approach to photo and electro-production of mesons with arbitrary spins
Unified approach to structure factors and neutrino processes in nucleon matter
Unified BCS-like model of pairing and alpha-correlations
Unified description of 0+ states in a large class of nuclear collective models
Unified description of Bjorken and Landau 1+1 hydrodynamics