3- and 4- body meson- nuclear clusters
3-D hydro + cascade model at RHIC
3-D unrestricted TDHF fusion calculations using the full Skyrme interaction
3D calculation of Tucson-Melbourne 3NF effect in triton binding energy
3D Imaging in Heavy-Ion Reactions
3D Jet Tomography of the Twisted Color Glass Condensate
3D Jet Tomography of Twisted Strongly Coupled Quark Gluon Plasmas
3D Real-Space Calculation of the Continuum Response
3D real-space calculations of continuum response
3D Relativistic Hartree-Bogoliubov model with a separable pairing interaction
3D Solution of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov Equations for Drip-Line Nuclei
3He structure and generalized parton distribution
3He structure from coherent hard exclusive processes
3He Transport and the Question of Nonstandard Solar Models
3N Scattering in a Three-Dimensional Operator Formulation
3P_2-3F_2 pairing in neutron matter with modern nucleon-nucleon potentials