P and CP Violation and New Thermalization Scenario in Heavy Ion Collisions
P and T odd effects in deuteron in the Reid potential
P and T Odd Electromagnetic Moments of Deuteron in Chiral Limit
P and T odd nuclear moments
P,T-Violating Nuclear Matrix Elements in the One-Meson Exchange Approximation
P- and T-violating $πN N$ form factor
P- and T-violating Schiff moment of the Mercury nucleus
P- and T-violation Tests with Polarized Resonance Neutrons
p-$^3$He Effective Potentials based on the Pauli Corrected Resonating Group Method
P-matrix Description of Interaction of Two Charged Hadrons And Low-energy Nuclear-Coulomb Scattering Parameters
P-Odd Asymmetry in the Deuteron Disintegration by Circularly Polarized Photons
p-Shell Nuclei and Two-Frequency Shell Model with a Realistic Effective Interaction
P-wave Lambda N - Sigma N coupling and the spin-orbit splitting of 9 Lambda Be
p-Wave pion production from nucleon-nucleon collisions
P-Wave Polarization of the $ρ$-Meson and the Dilepton Spectrum in Dense Matter
P11 Resonances with Dubna-Mainz-Taipei Dynamical Model for pi-N Scattering and Pion Electromagnetic Production
PACIAE 2.0: An updated parton and hadron cascade model (program) for the relativistic nuclear collisions
PACIAE Model Predictions for Pb+Pb Collisions at LHC Compared to the Au+Au Collisions at RHIC
Pade approximation of the S-matrix as a way of locating quantum resonances and bound states
Padé expansion and nucleon-nucleon scattering in coupled channels