D mesic nuclei
D mesons and charmonium states in asymmetric nuclear matter at finite temperatures
D mesons in asymmetric nuclear matter at finite temperatures
D mesons in isospin asymmetric strange hadronic matter
D mesons in matter and the in-medium properties of charmonium
D' Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
d+3He Elastic Backward Scattering and the 3He Structure at Sort Distances
D-mesons and charmonium states in hot isospin asymmetric strange hadronic matter
D-mesons in asymmetric nuclear matter
D-mesons: In-medium effects at FAIR
D-state configurations in the electromagnetic form factors of the nucleon and the Delta(1232) resonance
Damped collective motion of isolated many body systems within a variational approach to functional integrals
Damped collective motion of many body systems: A variational approach to the quantal decay rate
Damping mechanisms of the Delta resonance in nuclei
Damping of Collective Nuclear Motion and Thermodynamic Properties of Nuclei beyond Mean Field
Damping of giant resonances in asymmetric nuclear matter
Damping of IVGDR - Fermi-liquid or Fermi-gas ?
Damping rates of hot Giant Dipole Resonances
Dark Matter in the Cosmos - Its Direct Detection and the Role Of Nuclear Physics
Dark Matter in the Cosmos- Exploiting the Signatures of its Interaction with Nuclei