f [N pi N]: from quarks to the pion derivative coupling
F-spin as a Partial Symmetry
FaCE: a tool for Three Body Faddeev calculations with core excitation
Facets of confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking
Facets of the QCD Phase-Diagram
Factorization Contributions and the Breaking of the $ΔI=1/2$ Rule in Weak $ΛNρ$ and $ΣNρ$ Couplings
Factorization for hadronic heavy quarkonium production
Factorization of shell-model ground-states
Faddeev and Glauber Calculations at Intermediate Energies in a Model for n+d Scattering
Faddeev approach to confined three-quark problems
Faddeev approach to the octet and decuplet baryons
Faddeev Approach to the Study of One- and Two-hole Spectral Functions
Faddeev calculation of 3 alpha and alpha alpha Lambda systems using alpha alpha resonating-group method kernel
Faddeev calculation of 6 He Lambda Lambda using SU_6 quark-model baryon-baryon interactions
Faddeev calculation of a $K^- p p$ quasi-bound state
Faddeev Calculation of the Hypertriton using the SU_6 Quark-Model Nucleon-Nucleon and Hyperon-Nucleon Interactions
Faddeev calculations for the A=5,6 Lambda-Lambda hypernuclei
Faddeev calculations of break-up reactions with realistic experimental constraints
Faddeev Calculations of Proton-Deuteron Radiative Capture with Exchange Currents
Faddeev description of two-hole one-particle motion and the single-particle spectral function