M. Poincare visits Jefferson Lab: Relativistic Models of Few-Nucleon Systems
MACE -- Mach cones in heavy ion collisions
Mach cone induced by $γ$-triggered jets in high-energy heavy-ion collisions
Mach Cones at central LHC Collisions via MACE
Mach cones in Heavy Ion Collisions
Mach cones in heavy ion collisions
Mach cones in the quark-gluon plasma: Viscosity, speed of sound, and effects of finite source structure
Mach-like emission from nucleon scattering in proton-nucleus reaction
Macroconstraints from Microsymmetries of Macrosystems
Macroscopic Features of Light Heavy-Ion Fission Reactions
Macroscopic properties of nuclei according to the relativistic mean field theory
Macroscopic-Microscopic Mass Models
Magic nuclei in superheavy valley
Magic numbers for superheavy nuclei in relativistic continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov theory
Magic Numbers from New Systematics
Magic numbers in exotic nuclei and spin-isospin properties of {\it NN} interaction
Magic radioactivity of 252Cf
Magicity and occurrence of band with enhanced B(E2) in neutron-rich nuclei 68Ni and 90Zr
Magnetic and electric contributions to the energy loss in a dynamical QCD medium
Magnetic dipole moment of the S11(1535) from the γp \to γ ηp reaction