Treatment of confinement in the Faddeev approach to three-quark problems
Treatment of pairing correlations in nuclei close to drip lines
Treatment of Pionic Modes at the Nuclear Surface for Transport Descriptions
Treatment of the $Δ$ current in electromagnetic two-nucleon knockout reactions
Treatment of the Coulomb interaction in three-nucleon reactions
Treatment of the Intrinsic Hamiltonian in Particle-Number Nonconserving Theories
Treatment of the proton-proton Coulomb force in proton-deuteron breakup Faddeev calculations
Treatment of Two Nucleons in Three Dimensions
Tri-axial Octupole Deformations and Shell Structure
Triangle Diagram with Off-Shell Coulomb T-Matrix for (In-)Elastic Atomic and Nuclear Three-Body Processes
Triangular flow in event-by-event ideal hydrodynamics in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=200A$ GeV
Triangular flow in heavy ion collisions in a multiphase transport model
Triangular flow in hydrodynamics and transport theory
Triangularity and Dipole Asymmetry in Heavy Ion Collisions
Triaxial Angular Momentum Projection and Configuration Mixing calculations with the Gogny force
Triaxial bifurcations of rapidly rotating spheroids
Triaxial deformation in 10Be
Triaxial projected shell model approach
Triaxial projected shell model study of chiral rotation in odd-odd nuclei
Triaxial quadrupole deformation dynamics in sd-shell nuclei around 26Mg