A Microscopic Energy- and Density-Dependent Effective Interaction and its Test by Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering
A microscopic equation of state for neutron-rich matter and its effect on neutron star properties
A microscopic estimate of the nuclear matter compressibility and symmetry energy in relativistic mean-field models
A microscopic framework for dynamical supersymmetry in nuclei
A microscopic investigation of the transition form factor in the region of collective multipole excitations of stable and unstable nuclei
A microscopic NN to NN*(1440) potential
A Microscopic Picture of Strangeness Production at the SPS
A microscopic study of the proton-neutron symmetry and phonon structure of the low-lying states in 92Zr
A Microscopic T-Violating Optical Potential: Implications for Neutron-Transmission Experiments
A Mixed Phase Model and the 'Softest Point' Effect
A mixed-mode shell-model theory for nuclear structure studies
A Model Analysis of Triaxial Deformation Dynamics in Oblate-Prolate Shape Coexistence Phenomena
A model comparison of resonance lifetime modifications, a soft equation of state and non-Gaussian effects on $π-π$ correlations at FAIR/AGS energies
A model for $J/ψ$ - kaon cross section
A model for A=3 antinuclei production in proton-nucleus collisions
A Model for BCS-Type Correlations in Superscaling
A model for multifragmentation in heavy-ion reactions
A model for nuclear matter fragmentation: phase diagram and cluster distributions
A model for two-proton emission induced by electron scattering
A model of binary collisions dependence of jet quenching in nuclear collisions at ultrarelativistic energies