A study of the anisotropy associated with dipole asymmetry in heavy ion collisions
A study of the correlations between jet quenching observables at RHIC
A Study of the Coulomb Dissociation of 8B and the 7Be(p, gamma)8B Reaction
A study of the phase transition in the usual statistical model for nuclear multifragmentation
A Study of the Roper Resonance as a Hybrid State from $J/ψ$ Decays
A Summary of Bulk Dynamics from Quark Matter 2009
A System of Interest in Spectroscopy: The qp-Rotor System
A systematic description of evaporation spectra for light and heavy compound nuclei
A systematic expansion for relativistic causal hydrodynamics
A Systematic Investigation of Light Heavy-Ion Reactions
A systematic study of neutron magic nuclei with N = 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, and 126 in the relativistic mean field theory
A systematic study of the $π^-/π^+$ ratio in heavy-ion collisions with the same neutron/proton ratio but different masses
A systematic study of the fusion barriers using different proximity type potentials for $N = Z$ colliding nuclei : New extensions
A systematic study of the sensitivity of triangular flow to the initial state fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
A systematic study of the superdeformation of Pb isotopes with relativistic mean field theory
A systematic study of Zr and Sn isotopes in the Relativistic Mean Field theory
A systematic study on the binding energy of $Λ$ hypernuclei
A Systematic Treatment of Triaxial Systems at High Spins. II
A Tale of Two and Three Bodies
A Test of the Calculability of a Three Body Relativistic, Cluster Decomposable, Unitary, Covariant Scattering Theory