Zero modes in a system of Aharonov-Bohm fluxes
Zero-energy resonances and the flux -across-surfaces theorem
Zero-temperature Glauber dynamics on Z^d
Zeroes of Wronskians of Hermite polynomials and Young diagrams
Zeros of eigenfunctions of some anharmonic oscillators
Zeros of Jones Polynomials for Families of Knots and Links
Zeros of polynomials orthogonal on several intervals
Zeros of sections of exponential sums
Zeros of some bi-orthogonal polynomials
Zeros of the exceptional Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials
Zeta function regularization for a scalar field in a compact domain
Zeta functions and regularized determinants related to the Selberg trace formula
Zeta functions of quantum graphs
Zeta-regularisation for exact-WKB resolution of a general 1D Schrödinger equation
Zigzag and armchair nanotubes in external fields
Zonal Functions on $SO(p,q)$ Groups
Zooming in on local level statistics by supersymmetric extension of free probability
Z_2-Bi-Gradings, Majorana Modules and the Standard Model Action
Z_2-gradings of Clifford algebras and multivector structures
Z_2^n grading of the classical Lie algebras