J-matrix method of scattering in one dimension: The nonrelativistic theory
Jack polynomial fractional quantum Hall states and their generalizations
Jack superpolynomials with negative fractional parameter: clustering properties and super-Virasoro ideals
Jackson's q-exponential as the exponential of a series
Jacobi algebroids and quasi Q-manifolds
Jacobi equations and particle accelerator beam dynamics
Jacobi equations using a variational principle
Jacobi fields of completely integrable Hamiltonian systems
Jacobi Identity for Vertex Algebras in Higher Dimensions
Jacobi Metric and Morse Theory of Dynamical Systems
Jacobi operators of quantum counterparts of three-dimensional real Lie algebras over the harmonic oscillator
Jacobi quasi-Nijenhuis Algebroids
Jacobi stability analysis of dynamical systems -- applications in gravitation and cosmology
Jacobi Structures in $\mathbb{R}^3$
Jacobi Theta-functions and Discrete Fourier Transforms
Jacobian variety and Integrable system -- after Mumford, Beauville and Vanhaecke
Janossy Densities I. Determinantal Ensembles
Janossy Densities II. Pfaffian Ensembles
Janossy Densities of Coupled Random Matrices
Janossy densities, multimatrix spacing distributions and Fredholm resolvents