u-Deformed WZW Model and Its Gauging
Ultimate braid-group generators for coordinate exchanges of Ising anyons from the multi-anyon Pfaffian wave functions
Ultracoherence and Canonical Transformations
Ultradiscretization of the solution of periodic Toda equation
Ultradistributions and The Fractionary Schrödinger Equation
Ultrahyperfunctional Approach to Non-Commutative Quantum Field Theory
Ultrametric pseudodifferential operators and wavelets for the case of non homogeneous measure
Ultrarelativistic N-boson systems
Uma forma bidimensional que maximiza a resistência aerodinâmica newtoniana
Umbral methods and operator ordering
Unbounded C$^*$-seminorms and $*$-Representations of Partial *-Algebras
Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Fisher Information
Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Fisher Information - II
Uncertainty principle for Wigner-Yanase-Dyson information in semifinite von Neumann algebras
Uncertainty principle with quantum Fisher information
Uncertainty principles for magnetic structures on certain coadjoint orbits
Uncertainty Relation for Chaos
Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Topological Quantum Field Theory
Understanding the 1-Skyrmion
Understanding the Random Displacement Model: From Ground-State Properties to Localization