d-Dimensional generalization of the point canonical transformation for a quantum particle with position-dependent mass
d-Orthogonal polynomials and su(2)
Dalgarno-Lewis Method Revisited
Damage as Gamma-limit of microfractures in anti-plane linearized elasticity
Darboux Coordinates on K-Orbits and the Spectra of Casimir Operators on Lie Groups
Darboux polynomials for Lotka-Volterra systems in three dimensions
Darboux Transformation for the Non-isospectral AKNS Hierarchy and Its Asymptotic Property
Darboux transformation for two-level systems
Darboux transformation of coherent states
Darboux transformation of the generalized coupled dispersionless integrable system
Darboux Transformations of Bispectral Quantum Integrable Systems
Darboux-Egoroff Metrics, Rational Landau-Ginzburg Potentials and the Painleve VI Equation
Dark Matter and Scale invariance
Das asymptotische Verhalten der Grundzustandsenergie des Muellerfunktionals fuer schwere Atome
Data Set Models and Exponential Families in Statistical Physics and Beyond
De Broglie geometry eliminating the infinities of QED; An exact derivation of the Lamb shift formula in the normal case
De Donder-Weyl Equations and Multisymplectic Geometry
De Rham-Hodge-Skrypnik theory. A survey of the spectral and differential geometric aspects of the De Rham-Hodge-Skrypnik theory related with Delsarte transmutation operators in multidimension and its applications to spectral and soliton problems. Par
Decay Constants of Heavy Vector Mesons in Relativistic Bethe-Salpeter Method
Decay estimates and smoothness for solutions of the dispersion managed non-linear Schrödinger equation