Factor-Group-Generated Polar Spaces and (Multi-)Qudits
Factorised solutions of Temperley-Lieb $q$KZ equations on a segment
Factorization and Lie point symmetries of general Lienard-type equation in the complex plane
Factorization approach for barotropic FRW model with a cosmological constant
Factorization Method for d-Dimensional Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator and the Generalized Laguerre Polynomials
Factorization method for second order functional equations
Factorization of damped wave equations with cubic nonlinearities
Factorization of non-linear supersymmetry in one-dimensional Quantum Mechanics. II: proofs of theorems on reducibility
Factorization of supersymmetric Hamiltonians in curvilinear coordinates
Factorization of the Ising model form factors
Factorization of the Non-Stationary Schrodinger Operator
Factorization of Unitary Matrices
Factorization procedure and new generalized Hermite functions
Factorizations for 3-rotations and polarization of the light in Mueller-Stokes an Jones formalisms
Factorizations of Rational Matrix Functions with Application to Discrete Isomonodromic Transformations and Difference Painlevé Equations
Factorized domain wall partition functions in trigonometric vertex models
Factorizing $F$-matrices and the XXZ spin-1/2 chain: A diagrammatic perspective
Factorizing twists and R-matrices for representations of the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat sl_2)
Factorizing twists and the universal R-matrix of the Yangian Y(sl_2)
Faddeev eigenfunctions for point potentials in two dimensions