H = x p with interaction and the Riemann zeros
h analogue of Newton's binomial formula
h-analogue of Fibonacci Numbers
H-äquivariante Morita-Äquivalenz und Deformationsquantisierung
Haag duality and the distal split property for cones in the toric code
Haag's Theorem in Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory
Haag's theorem in S O (1, k) invariant quantum field theory
Haar expectations of ratios of random characteristic polynomials
Hadamard Matrices from Mutually Unbiased Bases
Hadamard's formula and couplings of SLEs with free field
Haldane-Wu statistics and Rogers dilogarithm
Half-delocalization of eigenfunctions for the Laplacian on an Anosov manifold
Half-lattice paths and Virasoro characters
Half-line Schrodinger Operators With No Bound States
Hall's coherent states, the Cameron-Martin theorem, and the quantization of Yang-Mills theory on a circle
Hall-Littlewood plane partitions and KP
HAM and HPM: Another attack to reason
Hamilton Dynamics on Clifford Kaehler Manifolds
Hamilton form of Maxwell equations and its generalized solutions
Hamilton Operator and the Semiclassical Limit for Scalar Particles in an Electromagnetic Field