Ma-Xu quantization rule and exact WKB condition for translationally shape invariant potentials
Maass cusp forms for large eigenvalues
Maass Cusp Forms on Singly Punctured Two-Torus and Triply Punctured Two-Sphere
Macdonald polynomials in superspace as eigenfunctions of commuting operators
Macdonald polynomials in superspace: conjectural definition and positivity conjectures
Macrodimension - an invariant of local dynamics
Macroscopic control parameter for avalanche models for bursty transport
Macroscopic energy diffusion for a chain of anharmonic oscillators
Macroscopic Flow Potentials in Swelling Porous Media
Macroscopic fluctuations theory of aerogel dynamics
Macroscopic limits and phase transition in a system of self-propelled particles
Macroscopic reduction for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations
Magnetic bottles on geometrically finite hyperbolic surfaces
Magnetic Bottles on Riemann Surfaces
Magnetic bottles on the Poincaré half-plane: spectral asymptotics
Magnetic calculus and semiclassical trace formulas
Magnetic dynamo C-flows in Riemannian manifold as generalized Arnold's map
Magnetic field reversals and topological entropy in non-geodesic hyperbolic dynamos
Magnetic fingerprints on the spectra of one-electron and two-electrons interacting in parabolic quantum dots
Magnetic Flows on Homogeneous Spaces