$p$-Adic Haar multiresolution analysis and pseudo-differential operators
$p$-Adic multidimensional wavelets and their application to $p$-adic pseudo-differential operators
$PT$ symmetric non-selfadjoint operators, diagonalizable and non-diagonalizable, with real discrete spectrum
$q$-graded Heisenberg algebras and deformed supersymmetries
$q$-identities and affinized projective varieties, I. Quadratic monomial ideals
$q\to \infty$ limit of the quasitriangular WZW model
$s$-points in $3\rm d$ acoustical scattering
$SLE(κ,ρ)$ processes, hiding exponents and self-avoiding walks in a wedge
$\ast$-SDYM Fields and Heavenly Spaces. I. $\ast$-SDYM equations as an integrable system
$\ast$-SDYM fields and heavenly spaces: II. Reductions of the $\ast$-SDYM system
${\mathcal O}$-operators of Loday algebras and analogues of the classical Yang-Baxter equation
$β$-Boundedness, Semipassivity, and the KMS-Condition
$ζ$-regularised spectral determinants on metric graphs
$κ$-Deformation and Spectral Triples
$κ$-Minkowski Spacetimes and DSR Algebras: Fresh Look and Old Problems
$λ$-symmetries and Jacobi Last Multiplier
$λ$-symmetries for discrete equations
$σ_1$ and $σ_2$ automorphism of the systems of equations of integrable hierarchies. Discrete and Backlund transformations
'Return to equilibrium' for weakly coupled quantum systems: a simple polymer expansion
(3+0)D electromagnetic solitons and de Broglie's ''double solution''