Various equations for gap probabilities of coupled Gaussian matrices
Vector coherent state theory of the generic representations of so(5) in an so(3) basis
Vector coherent states for nanoparticle Hamiltonians
Vector Coherent States from Plancherel's Theorem, Clifford Algebras and Matrix Domains
Vector Coherent States on Clifford algebras
Vector Coherent States with an Unbounded Inverse Frame Operator
Vector coherent states with matrix moment problems
Vector Continued Fractions using a Generalised Inverse
Vector Fields and Differential Operators: Noncommutative Case
Vector Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation on the half-line
Vectors, Cyclic Submodules and Projective Spaces Linked with Ternions
Velocity addition in Special Relativity and in Newtonian Mechanics are isomorphic
Velocity Polytopes of Periodic Graphs
Verallgemeinerte Summationsprozesse als numerische Hilfsmittel für quantenmechanische und quantenchemische Rechnungen
Verification of the semiclassical method for an electron moving in a homogeneous magnetic field
Vertex (Lie) algebras in higher dimensions
Vertex coupling in quantum graphs: approximations by scaled Schroedinger operators
Vertex operator approach for form factors of Belavin's $(Z/nZ)$-symmetric model
Vertices from replica in a random matrix theory
Very-high-precision normalized eigenfunctions for a class of Schrödinger type equations