Quantum Mechanics on the h-deformed Quantum Plane
Quantum Mechanics, The Stability of Matter and Quantum Electrodynamics
Quantum Metrology: Towards an alternative definition for the meter
Quantum model of interacting ``strings'' on the square lattice
Quantum Model Theory (QMod): Modeling Contextual Emergent Entangled Interfering Entities
Quantum Multipole Noise and Generalized Quantum Stochastic Equations
Quantum networks modelled by graphs
Quantum Orlicz spaces in information geometry
Quantum Painleve-Calogero Correspondence
Quantum particle on a Mobius strip, coherent states and projection operators
Quantum Phase Transitions induced by Infinite Dilution in the Fock Space: a General Mechanism. Proof and discussion
Quantum phases of supersymmetric lattice models
Quantum physics as the projective representation theory of Noether symmetries
Quantum Physics, Relativity, and Complex Spacetime: Towards a New Synthesis
Quantum Probability, Renormalization and Infinite-Dimensional *-Lie Algebras
Quantum properties of the Dirac field on BTZ black hole backgrounds
Quantum Reality Filters
Quantum Reduction and Representation Theory of Superconformal Algebras
Quantum Reduction for Affine Superalgebras
Quantum reduction in the twisted case