Negative moments of characteristic polynomials of random GOE matrices and singularity-dominated strong fluctuations
Negative moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices: Ingham-Siegel integral as an alternative to Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation
Negative order KdV equation with both solitons and kink wave solutions
Negative specific heat for quasi-2D vortex structures in electron plasmas: an explicit, closed-form derivation
Negatively curved left-invariant metrics on Lie groups
Nekrasov prepotential with fundamental matter from the quantum spin chain
Nested Bethe Ansatz and Finite Dimensional Canonical Commutation Relations
Nested Bethe ansatz for "all" closed spin chains
Nested Bethe ansatz for Y(gl(n)) open spin chains with diagonal boundary conditions
Nested Bethe ansatz for `all' open spin chains with diagonal boundary conditions
Nested Multi-Soliton Solutions with Arbitrary Hopf Index
Nested quasicrystalline discretisations of the line
Network Models in Class C on Arbitrary Graphs
Neumann system and hyperelliptic al functions
Neumann-like integrable models
Neumark Operators and Sharp Reconstructions, the finite dimensional case
Neutral Delay and a Generalization of Electrodynamics
Neutrally floating objects of density 1/2 in three dimensions
New algebraic structures in the $C_λ$-extended Hamiltonian system
New Analytical Approach for Computation of Band Structure in One-dimensional Periodic Media