Nonsensical models for quantum dots
Nonstandard Feynman path integral for the harmonic oscillator
Nontopological Methods for Determining Topological Charge for Bosons and Fermions in Flat Spacetime
Nontrivial edge coupling from a Dirichlet network squeezing: the case of a bent waveguide
Nontrivial models with indefinite metric
Norm estimates of almost Mathieu operators
Norm estimates of complex symmetric operators applied to quantum systems
Norm-dependent Random Matrix Ensembles in External Field and Supersymmetry
Normal bundles to Laufer rational curves in local Calabi-Yau threefolds
Normal completely positive maps on the space of quantum operations
Normal forms and gauge symmetries of local dynamics
Normal forms for pseudo-Riemannian 2-dimensional metrics whose geodesic flows admit integrals quadratic in momenta
Normal Ordering for Deformed Boson Operators and Operator-valued Deformed Stirling Numbers
Normalization Integrals of Orthogonal Heun Functions
Not each sequential effect algebra is sharply dominating
Not to normal order - Notes on the kinetic limit for weakly interacting quantum fluids
Note on 2d binary operadic harmonic oscillator
Note on a diffraction-amplification problem
Note on MacLennan-Zubarev Ensembles and QuasiStatic Processes
Note on Moufang-Noether currents