Matrix Order Differintegration
Matrix realizations of exceptional superconformal algebras
Matrix reduction and Lagrangian submodules
Matrix representation of the generalized Moyal algebra
Matrix Revolutions, The Origin of Quantum Variables
Matrix Riemann-Hilbert problems related to branched coverings of $\CP1$
Matrix Superpotential Linear in Variable Parameter
Matrix superpotentials
Matrix superpotentials and superintegrable systems for arbitrary spin
Matrix-based approach to electrodynamics in media
Matryoshka of Special Democratic Forms
Matter evolution in Burgulence
Matter, Fields, and Reparametrization-Invariant Systems
Maximal Abelian Subgroups of the Isometry and Conformal Groups of Euclidean and Minkowski Spaces
Maximal couplings in PT-symmetric chain-models with the real spectrum of energies
Maximal degree variational principles
Maximal order of growth for the resonance counting functions for generic potentials in even dimensions
Maximal superintegrability of the generalized Kepler--Coulomb system on N-dimensional curved spaces
Maximal superintegrability on N-dimensional curved spaces
Maximal velocity of photons in non-relativistic QED