Group classification of systems of non-linear reaction-diffusion equations with general diffusion matrix. III. Triangular diffusion matrix
Group foliation and non-invariant solutions of the heavenly equation
Group Fourier transform and the phase space path integral for finite dimensional Lie groups
Group Invariant Solutions in Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry
Group Invariant Solutions Without Transversality
Group Invariant Solutions without Transversality and the Principle of Symmetric Criticality
Group properties and invariant solutions of a sixth-order thin film equation in viscous fluid
Group Structure of an Extended Lorentz Group
Group Structure of an Extended Poincare Group
Group theoretic analysis of a class of boundary value problems for a nonlinear heat equation
Group theoretical approach to the intertwined Hamiltonians
Group Theoretical Description of Space Inversion, Time Reversal and Charge Conjugation
Group Theoretical Interpretation of the CPT-theorem
Group Transformations of Semiclassical Gauge Systems
Group-cohomology refinement to classify $G$-symplectic manifolds
Group-theoretic Approach for Symbolic Tensor Manipulation: I. Free Indices
Group-theoretic Approach for Symbolic Tensor Manipulation: II. Dummy Indices
Group-theoretical analysis of variable coefficient nonlinear telegraph equations
Group-theoretical approach to a non-central extension of the Kepler-Coulomb problem
Groupes quantiques associes aux courbes rationnelles et elliptiques et leurs applications