Green's Functions and Energy Decay on Homogeneous Spaces
Green's kernels for transmission problems in bodies with small inclusions
Green's Matrix for a Second Order Self-Adjoint Matrix Differential Operator
Green's matrix from Jacobi-matrix Hamiltonian
Green's operator for Hamiltonians with Coulomb plus polynomial potentials
Grid-independent Issue in Numerical Heat Transfer
Gromov--Witten Theory of CP^1 and Integrable Hierarchies
Gross-Pitaevskii Equation as the Mean Field Limit of Weakly Coupled Bosons
Gross-Pitaevskii Theory of the Rotating Bose Gas
Ground State and Charge Renormalization in a Nonlinear Model of Relativistic Atoms
Ground state and functional integral representations of the CCR algebra with free evolution
Ground State and Resonances in the Standard Model of Non-relativistic QED
Ground State Asymptotics of a Dilute, Rotating Gas
Ground state degeneracy of the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian inlcuding spin
Ground state degeneracy of the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian with spin
Ground State Energy of Dilute Bose Gas in Small Negative Potential Case
Ground state energy of large atoms in a self-generated magnetic field
Ground State Energy of the Low Density Fermi Gas
Ground state energy of the low density Hubbard model
Ground state energy of the low density Hubbard model. An upper bound