Electromagnetic wormholes and virtual magnetic monopoles
Electromagnetism on Anisotropic Fractals
Electron-nuclear correlations for photo-induced dynamics in molecular dimers
Electronic Structure of Superheavy Atoms. Revisited
Electroweak interaction without projection operators using complexified octonions
Elemental matrices for the finite element method in electromagnetics with quadratic triangular elements
Elementary doublets of bound states of the radial Dirac equation
Elementary preamble to a theory of granular gases
Elementary Proof of Moretti's Polar Decomposition Theorem for Lorentz Transformations
Elementary symmetric functions of two solvents of a quadratic matrix equation
ELKO Spinor Fields: Lagrangians for Gravity derived from Supergravity
ELKO, flagpole and flag-dipole spinor fields, and the instanton Hopf fibration
Ellipsoids of U(3) model
Elliptic and hyperelliptic functions describing the particle motion beneath small-amplitude water waves with constant vorticity
Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Solutions of Discrete Painlevé I and Its Extensions to Higher Order Difference Equations
Elliptic Curves and a New Construction of Integrable Systems
Elliptic Curves and Algebraic Geometry Approach in Gravity Theory I.The General Approach
Elliptic Curves and Algebraic Geometry Approach in Gravity Theory II. Parametrization of a Multivariable Cubic Algebraic Equation
Elliptic Curves and Algebraic Geometry Approach in Gravity Theory III. Uniformization Functions for a Multivariable Cubic Algebraic Equation
Elliptic dynamical reflection algebra and partition function of SOS model with reflecting end