Eigenvalue variations and semiclassical concentration
Eigenvalues and eigenstates of the s ell_q(2)-invariant Universal R-operator defined for cyclic representations at roots of unity
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Laplace operator in d-dimensional cut Fock basis
Eigenvalues from power--series expansions: an alternative approach
Eigenvalues in Spectral Gaps of a Perturbed Periodic Manifold
Eigenvalues of a nonlinear ground state in the Thomas-Fermi approximation
Eigenvalues of Casimir operators for $gl(m/\infty)$
Eigenvalues of Hermite and Laguerre ensembles: Large Beta Asymptotics
Eigenvalues of Laplacian with constant magnetic field on non-compact hyperbolic surfaces with finite area
Eigenvector localization for random band matrices with power law band width
Eigenvectors in the Superintegrable Model I: sl_2 Generators
Eigenvectors in the Superintegrable Model II: Ground State Sector
Eigenvectors of an Arbitrary Onsager Sector in Superintegrable $τ^{(2)}$-model and Chiral Potts Model
Eigenvectors of the discrete Laplacian on regular graphs - a statistical approach
Eigenwavelets of the Wave equation
Eight-vertex model and Painlevé VI equation. II. Eigenvector results
Einstein Gravity as a Nonholonomic Almost Kahler Geometry, Lagrange-Finsler Variables, and Deformation Quantization
Einstein's Curvature for Nonlocal Gravitation of Gesamt Energy Carriers
Elastic energy for reflection-symmetric topologies
Elastic Plate Deformation with Transverse Variation of Microrotation