A High Position Resolution X-ray Detector: an Edge on Illuminated Capillary Plate Combined with a Gas Amplification Structure
A High Precision Fabry-Perot Cavity Polarimeter at HERA
A high resolution scintillating fiber tracker with SiPM readout
A high resolution scintillating fiber tracker with SiPM readout for the PEBS experiment
A hybrid method for calorimetry with subnanolitre samples using Schottky junctions
A large acceptance scintillator detector with wavelength shifting fibre read-out for search of eta-nucleus bound states
A Large Area Timing RPC
A large Bradbury Nielsen ion gate with flexible wire spacing based on photo-etched stainless steel grids and its characterization applying symmetric and asymmetric potentials
A large HPGe detector for the non-destructive radioassay of an ultra-low-background counting facility
A Large TPC Prototype with MPGD Readout: Status and Plans
A Layer Correlation technique for pion energy calibration at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Beam Test
A Layer Correlation Technique for Pion Energy Calibration at the 2004 ATLAS Combined Beam Test
A LED Flasher for TUNKA experiment
A lens-coupled scintillation counter in cryogenic environment
A Lightweight Field Cage for a Large TPC Prototype for the ILC
A linear RFQ ion trap for the Enriched Xenon Observatory
A liquid xenon ionization chamber in an all-fluoropolymer vessel
A liquid xenon TPC for a medical imaging Compton telescope
A low background Micromegas detector for the CAST experiment
A low mass pixel detector upgrade for CMS