A C-13(alpha,n)O-16 calibration source for KamLAND
A Cherenkov Radiation Detector with High Density Aerogels
A coincidental timing model for the scintillating fibers
A Compact 3H(p,gamma)4He 19.8-MeV Gamma-Ray Source for Energy Calibration at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory
A Compact Apparatus for Muon Lifetime Measurement and Time Dilation Demonstration in the Undergraduate Laboratory
A Compact High-Energy Neutron Spectrometer
A Comparative Numerical Study on GEM, MHSP and MSGC
A Comparison of the Performance of Compact Neutrino Detector Designs for Nuclear Reactor Safeguards and Monitoring
A Component Based Approach to Scientific Workflow Management
A Compton Backscattering Polarimeter for Measuring Longitudinal Electron Polarization
A Compton Backscattering Polarimeter for Measuring Longitudinal Electron Polarization
A conception of the photon collider beam dump
A concise review on THGEM detectors
A configuration system for the ATLAS trigger
A Cosmic Ray Measurement Facility for ATLAS Muon Chambers
A Cost-Efficient PC Based Frame Grabber as Beam Diagnostic Tool in an EPICS Environment
A coupled microwave-cavity system in the Rydberg-atom cavity detector for dark matter axions
A DAQ System for Linear Collider TPC Prototypes based on the ALEPH TPC Electronics
A data capture and production management tool for the assembly and construction of the CMS detectors
A design outline for a Cherenkoff neutrino observatory