Summary of the Linear Collider Testbeam Workshop 2009 - LCTW09
SuperB Progress Reports -- Detector
SuperB: a linear high-luminosity B Factory
Superconducting Nb-film LC resonator
Superconducting parallel nanowire detector with photon number resolving functionality
Superheated drop as a neutron spectrometer
Superheated drop neutron spectrometer
Suspension of the fiber mode-cleaner launcher and measurement of the high extinction-ratio (10^{-9}) ellipsometer for the Q & A experiment
SWIR at the Nordic Optical Telescope: NOTCam
SWIRCAM: a NIR imager-spectrometer to search for extragalactic supernovae
Symbolic sensors
Symbolic sensors : one solution to the numerical-symbolic interface
Synchrotron radiation based beam diagnostics at the Fermilab Tevatron
Synchrotron radiation studies of spectral response features caused by Te inclusions in a large volume coplanar grid CdZnTe detector
System Test of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer in the H8 Beam at the CERN SPS
System Tests of the ATLAS Pixel Detector
Systematic errors in the correlation method for Johnson noise thermometry: residual correlations due to amplifiers
Systematic study of trace radioactive impurities in candidate construction materials for EXO-200