Results from the Commissioning Run of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker
Results of the BiPo-1 prototype for radiopurity measurements for the SuperNEMO double beta decay source foils
RETGEM with polyvinylchloride (PVC) electrodes
Review Article: Physics and Monte Carlo Techniques as Relevant to Cryogenic, Phonon and Ionization Readout of CDMS Radiation-Detectors
Review of Cosmic Ray experiments with underground detectors
Ring Identification and Pattern Recognition in Ring Imaging Cherenkov (RICH) Detectors
Roadmap for ILC Detector R&D Test Beams
Robust GPS - SMS Communication Channel for the AVL System
Role of Oxygen and Carbon Impurities in the Radiation Resistance of Silicon Detectors
Room Temperature Operation of a Radiofrequency Diamond Magnetometer near the Shot Noise Limit
Room-temperature tunnel current amplifier and experimental setup for high resolution electronic spectroscopy in millikelvin STM experiments
ROSI: a new cryogenic solution for the CCD on the Schmidt focal planes
Rotating-slit scintigraphy using scintillating glass fibers: First results
RPC with low-resistive phosphate glass electrodes as a candidate for the CBM TOF