Performance of tau-lepton reconstruction and identification in CMS
Performance of the ATLAS Detector on First Single Beam and Cosmic Ray Data
Performance of the ATLAS Tau and Missing Energy triggers with 7 TeV proton proton collisions at the LHC
Performance of the ATLAS tau trigger during 2011 data taking period
Performance of the CALICE Scintillator-Based ECAL Depending on the Temperature
Performance of the CDF Calorimeter Simulation in Tevatron Run II
Performance of the CFH12K: a 12K by 8K CCD mosaic camera for the CFHT prime focus
Performance of the CMS Cathode Strip Chambers with Cosmic Rays
Performance of the CMS Drift Tube Chambers with Cosmic Rays
Performance of the CMS Drift-Tube Local Trigger with Cosmic Rays
Performance of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter with Cosmic Ray Muons and LHC Beam Data
Performance of the CMS Level-1 Trigger during Commissioning with Cosmic Ray Muons
Performance of the CMS Pixel Detector at an upgraded LHC
Performance of the CMS Tracker Optical Links and Future Upgrade Using Bandwidth Efficient Digital Modulation
Performance of the CMS tracking detectors from the 2009 LHC run
Performance of the Fast Beam Conditions Monitor BCM1F of CMS in the first running periods of LHC
Performance of the LHCb muon system with cosmic rays
Performance of the LHCb Vertex Detector Alignment Algorithm determined with Beam Test Data
Performance of the LiF-TEA Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector at CLEO
Performance of the Micromegas detector in the CAST experiment