Measurement of the thickness of an insensitive surface layer of a PIN photodiode
Measurement of the transverse diffusion coefficient of charge in liquid xenon
Measurement of the two-photon absorption cross-section of liquid argon with a time projection chamber
Measurements and simulations of MAPS (Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors) response to charged particles - a study towards a vertex detector at the ILC
Measurements of charge carrier mobilities and drift velocity saturation in bulk silicon of <111> and <100> crystal orientation at high electric fields
Measurements of Charge Transfer Inefficiency in a CCD with High-Speed Column Parallel Readout
Measurements of Cherenkov Photons with Silicon Photomultipliers
Measurements of photoelectron extraction efficiency from CsI into mixtures of Ne with CH4, CF4, CO2 and N2
Measurements of Spatial Resolution of ATLAS Pixel Detectors
Measurements of the radiation hardness of selected scintillating and light guide fiber materials
Measurements of the T2K neutrino beam properties using the INGRID on-axis near detector
Measurements of the Time Structure of Hadronic Showers in a Scintillator-Tungsten HCAL
Measurements of W-value, Mobility and Gas Gain in Electronegative Gaseous CS2 and CS2 Gas Mixtures
Measuring the absolute non-gravitational acceleration of a spacecraft: goals, devices, methods, performances
Measuring the Beam Energy with Radiative Return Events
Measuring the masses of the charged hadrons using a RICH as a precision velocity spectrometer
Measuring the Virgo area tilt noise with a laser gyroscope
Mechanical and electrical noise in the PVLAS experiment
Mechanical Design and Material Budget of the CMS Barrel Pixel Detector
Mechanical design of Altair, the Gemini-North adaptive optics system