Lock-in detection using a cryogenic low noise looped current preamplifier for the readout of resistive bolometers
Long sandwich modules for photon veto detectors
Long Term Operation and Performance of Cryogenic Sapphire Oscillators
Long term stability of the energy of conversion electrons emitted from solid 83Rb/83mKr source
Long-distance frequency transfer over an urban fiber link using optical phase stabilization
Long-term drift laser frequency stabilization using purely optical reference
Long-term operation of a multi-channel cosmic muon system based on scintillation counters with MRS APD light readout
Long-term Running Experience with the Silicon Micro-strip Tracker at the DØ detector
Longevity Studies in the CDF II Silicon Detector
Longitudinal bunch monitoring at the Fermilab Tevatron and Main Injector synchrotrons
Lorentz angle measurements in irradiated silicon detectors between 77 K and 300 K
Lorentz microscopy mapping for domain walls structure study in L1$_0$ FePd thin films
Lorentz shift measurements in heavily irradiated silicon detectors in high magnetic fields
Low background detector with enriched 116CdWO4 crystal scintillators to search for double beta decay of 116Cd
Low background techniques for the Borexino nylon vessels
Low Cost Thermopile Detectors for THz Imaging and Sensing
Low energy high angular resolution neutral atom detection by means of micro-shuttering techniques: the BepiColombo SERENA/ELENA sensor
Low noise temperature control : application to an active cavity radiometer
Low pT Hadronic Physics with CMS
Low temperature light yield measurements in NaI and NaI(Tl)