LHC High Beta* Runs: Transport and Unfolding Methods
LHC Timing Signal Distribution and Beam Phase Monitoring Through ATLAS BPTX Monitoring System
LHC-B Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector
LHCb commissioning and readiness for first data
LHCb detector status and commissioning
LHCb Level-0 Trigger Detectors
LHCb VELO software alignment, Part III: the alignment of the relative sensor positions
LiC Detector Toy - Tracking detector optimization with fast simulation and its application to the ILD design
Lifetime-Extended MCP-PMT
Light Concentrators for Borexino and CTF
Light multi-GEM detector for high-resolution tracking systems
Light trapping within the grooves of 1D diffraction gratings under monochromatic and sunlight illumination
Liquid scintillator as tracking detector for high-energy events
Liquid Xe scintillation calorimetry and Xe optical properties
Liquid Xenon Detectors for Particle Physics and Astrophysics
Liquid Xenon Detectors for Positron Emission Tomography
Liquid-Argon Time Projection Chambers in the U.S
LIRIS (long-slit intermediate-resolution infrared spectrograph): project status
Local Alignment of the BABAR Silicon Vertex Tracking Detector
Local Support Assembly of the ATLAS Pixel Detector