High pressure gas vessels for neutron scattering experiments
High pressure operation of the Photon-Assisted Cascaded Electron Multiplier
High pressure operation of the triple-GEM detector in pure Ne, Ar and Xe
High Rate Applications of Micromegas and Prospects
High Rate Proton Irradiation of 15mm Muon Drifttubes
High Resolution Flicker-Noise-Free Frequency Measurements of Weak Microwave Signals
High resolution miniature dilatometer based on AFM piezocantilever
High Resolution Particle Beam Monitoring and Ionization Counters with the Help of Single Carbon Nanotubes
High Resolution RPC's for Large TOF Systems
High Spatial Resolution Fast-Neutron Imaging Detectors for Pulsed Fast-Neutron Transmission Spectroscopy
High Voltage CMOS Control Interface for Astronomy - Grade Charged Coupled Devices
High Voltage Test Apparatus for a Neutron EDM Experiment and Lower Limit on the Dielectric Strength of Liquid Helium at Large Volumes
High-accuracy wavemeter based on a stabilized diode laser
High-efficiency sol-gel antireflection coatings for astronomical optics
High-energy proton induced damage in Lead Tungstate calorimeter crystals
High-energy proton induced damage study of scintillation light output from PbWO4 calorimeter crystals
High-gain DC-mode operated Gaseous Photomultipliers for the visible spectral range
High-precision Absolute Distance Measurement using Dual-Laser Frequency Scanned Interferometry Under Realistic Conditions
High-resolution infrared echelle spectrograph (CRIRES) for the VLT
High-resolution optical spectrograph (HROS): a summary of progress