First tests of a 800 kJ HTS SMES
First tests of a Micromegas TPC in a magnetic field
First Tests of Gaseous Detectors Made of a Resistive Mesh
Fixed exit DC-monochromator of general position for Side (or Top) Beam Line
FLAMES: a multi-object fiber facility for the VLT
Flicker noise in high-speed p-i-n photodiodes
Flowing Bottomhole Pressure Calculation for a Pumped Well under Multiphase Flow
Fluctuation studies and energy reconstruction in a segmented calorimeter
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing of Bacterium Odors
Fluence Dependence of Charge Collection of irradiated Pixel Sensors
Fluorescence decay-time constants in organic liquid scintillators
FOCAS: faint object camera and spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope
Fods Hadron Calorimeters
Forward Instrumentation for ILC Detectors
Forward Physics Capabilities of CMS with the CASTOR and ZDC detectors
Forward Proton Detectors at High Luminosity at the LHC
Four-quadrant error sensor that yields position and focus utilizing an internal mirrorlette array
Fourier imaging study of efficient near-field optical coupling in solid immersion fluorescence microscopy
FPGA Co-processor for the ALICE High Level Trigger
Fracture Processes Observed with A Cryogenic Detector