Diamond thin Film Detectors for Beam Monitoring Devices
Dichroic beam splitter for convergent beams
Dielectric Resistive Plate Chamber as a detector for time-of-flight measurements
Differential imaging coronagraph for the detection of faint companions
Diffraction on a polycrystal for investigations and diagnostics of X-ray radiation of relativistic particles in a forward direction
Digital control of force microscope cantilevers using a field programmable gate array
Digital Frequency Domain Multiplexer for mm-Wavelength Telescopes
Digital Hadron Calorimetry with Glass RPC Active Detectors
Digital Imaging Mass Spectrometry
Digital imaging of charged particle track structures with a low-pressure optical time projection chamber
Digital Spectrometry Signal Treatment Applied to a Fiber Optic Resonant Gyroscope for Rate Measurements
Direct Coupling of SiPMs to Scintillator Tiles for Imaging Calorimetry and Triggering
Direct measurement of sub-pixel structure of the EPIC MOS CCD on-board th e XMM/NEWTON satellite
Direct observation of avalanche scintillations in a THGEM-based two-phase Ar avalanche detector using Geiger-mode APD
Direct Photon Identification with Artificial Neural Network in the Photon Spectrometer PHOS
Direct reading of charge multipliers with a self-triggering CMOS analog chip with 105k pixels at 50 micron pitch
Direct string magnetic gradiometer for space applications
Directional Fast Neutron Detection Using a Time Projection Chamber
Discovery of a Planar Waveguide for an X-Ray Radiation
Discrimination between Nuclear Recoils and Electron Recoils by Simultaneous Detection of Phonons and Scintillation Light