CALICE ScECAL Beam Test at Fermilab
CALICE Second Generation AHCAL Developments
Calice Si-W EM Calorimeter: Preliminary Results of the Testbeams 2006
CALICE Si/W electromagnetic Calorimeter
CALICE Si/W electromagnetic calorimeter prototype, first testbeam results
Calorimeter R&D for the SuperNEMO Double Beta Decay Experiment
Calorimeters in Astro and Particle physics
Calorimetry for ILC Experiments: CALICE Collaboration R&D
CAMAC subsystem and user context utilities in ngdp framework
Can a charged ring levitate a neutral, polarizable object? Can Earnshaw's Theorem be extended to such objects?
Can nanotechnology experimentally solve the plane-plane challenge
Capacitances in micro-strip detectors: a conformal mapping approach
Capacity formulas in MWPC: some critical reflexions
Carbon Coated Gas Electron Multipliers
CARPS: An integrated proposal and data collection system
Cathode Position Response of Large-Area Photomultipliers Under a Magnetic Field
Cavity BPM System Tests for the ILC Spectrometer
Cavity optoelectromechanical regenerative amplification
CCD and IR array controllers
CCD detectors for the advanced camera for surveys