Pair creation in non-extremal fuzzball geometries
Pair creation of anti-de Sitter black holes on a cosmic string background
Pair Creation of Black Holes
Pair Creation of Black Holes by Domain Walls
Pair creation of de Sitter black holes on a cosmic string background
Pair Creation of Dilaton Black Holes
Pair creation of higher dimensional black holes on a de Sitter background
Pair creation of neutral particles in a vacuum by external electromagnetic fields in 2+1 dimensions
Pair Creation of Open Strings in an Electric Field
Pair of accelerated black holes in a de Sitter background: the dS C-metric
Pair of accelerated black holes in an anti-de Sitter background: the AdS C-metric
Pair Production and Vacuum Polarization of Arbitrary Spin Particles with EDM and AMM
Pair Production by a Constant External Field in Noncommutative QED
Pair Production in a Time Dependent Magnetic Field
Pair production of black holes in a $U(1) \otimes U(1)$ theory
Pair Production of charged vector bosons in supercritical magnetic fields at finite temperatures
Pair Production of Open Strings - Relativistic versus Dissipative Dynamics
Pair Production of small Black Holes in Heterotic String Theories
Pair production problem and canonical quantization of nonlinear scalar field in terms of world lines
Paired quantum Hall states on noncommutative two-tori