O'KKLT at Finite Temperature
O'Raifeartaigh models with spontaneous R-symmetry breaking
O(1/N^3) Conformal Bootstrap Solution of the SU(2) x SU(2) Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model
O(1/N_f) Corrections to the Thirring Model in 2<d<4
O(2,2) Transformations and the String Geroch Group
O(3) Non-linear $σ$ model with Hopf term and Higher spin theories
O(3) Sigma model with Hopf term on Fuzzy Sphere
O(4) texture with a cosmological constant
O(6,22) BPS Configurations of the Heterotic String
O(D) invariant tachyon condensates in the 1/D expansion
O(d, d)-Symmetry and Ernst Formulation for Einstein-Kalb-Ramond Theory in Three Dimensions
O(d, d)-Symmetry and Ernst Formulation for Einstein-Kalb-Ramond Theory in Two Dimensions
O(d,d) invariance at two and three loops
O(d,d)-invariant collapse/inflation from colliding superstring waves
O(d,d,Z) Transformations as Automorphisms of the Operator Algebra
O(d,d;R) Deformations of Complex Structures and Extended Worldsheet Supersymmetry
O(N) and USp(N) QCD from String Theory
O(N) models within the local potential approximation
O(N) Sigma Model as a Three Dimensional Conformal Field Theory