H(3)+ correlators from Liouville theory
H-Branes and Chiral Strings
H-Dyons and S-Duality
H-FGK formalism for black-hole solutions of N=2, d=4 and d=5 supergravity
H-Monopoles, SL(2,Z) Duality and K3 Surfaces
Haag-Ruelle scattering theory in presence of massless particles
Habilitationsschrift: Renormalization and Knot Theory
Hadamard renormalization, conformal anomaly and cosmological event horizons
Hadamard States and Two-dimensional Gravity
Hadron Correlators and the Structure of the Quark Propagator
Hadron Masses and Screening from AdS Wilson Loops
Hadron production in electron-positron annihilation computed from the gauge gravity correspondence
Hadronic Density of States from String Theory
Hadronic Electroweak Spin-Torsion Interactions
Hadronic Spectrum of a Holographic Dual of QCD
Hadronic string and chiral symmetry breaking
Hadronic string, conformal invariance and chiral symmetry
Hadronization at the AdS wall
Hagedorn Behavior of Little String Theories
Hagedorn Behaviour of Little String Theory from String Corrections to NS5-Branes