c < 1 String from Two Dimensional Black Holes
c = 1 conformal field theory and the fractional quantum Hall effect
C Function Representation of the Local Potential Approximation
C*algebras and differential geometry
C, P, and T of Braid Excitations in Quantum Gravity
c--Map,very Special Quaternionic Geometry and Dual Kahler Spaces
C-algebras and their applications to reflection groups and conformal field theories
C-deformation of Supergravity
C-Functions in Lovelock Gravity
c-functions in the Born-Infeld extended New Massive Gravity
c-map as c=1 string
C-metric like vacuum with non-negative cosmological constant in five dimensions
c=1 Boundary Conformal Field Theory Revisited
c=1 discrete states correlators via W$_{1+\infty}$ constraints
c=1 from c<1: Bulk and boundary correlators
c=1 Liouville Theory Perturbed by the Black-Hole Mass operator
c=1 Matrix Model from String Field Theory
c=1 Matrix Models: Equivalences and Open-Closed String Duality
c=1 String as a Topological Model