q$-Deformed Chern Class, Chern-Simons and Cocycle Hierarchy
Q-Ball Condensation
Q-ball Dynamics
Q-balls constructed of spinors in Lagrangians with SU(2) symmetry
Q-balls in Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory
Q-balls in the regularized signum-Gordon model
Q-balls with scalar charges
Q-balls, Integrability and Duality
Q-balls: Some Analytical Results
Q-Boson Representation of the Quantum Matrix Algebra $M_q(3)$
q-def oscillator associated with Calogero model and its q-coherent state
q-Deformation of the AdS5 x S5 Superstring S-matrix and its Relativistic Limit
Q-Deformed Bi-Local Fields
q-Deformed Bi-Local Fields II
q-Deformed Brownian Motion
q-deformed conformal and Poincar{é} algebras on quantum 4-spinors
q-deformed conformal correlation functions
q-Deformed Conformal Quantum Mechanics
q-deformed Coxeter element in Non-simply-laced Affine Toda Field Theories
q-Deformed de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory Correspondence