A "black hole" solution of scalar field theory
A "general boundary" formulation for quantum mechanics and quantum gravity
A "Periodic Table" for Supersymmetric M-Theory Compactifications
A $q$-deformation of the Coulomb Problem
A $SU(2)$ Generalized Gauge Field Model With Higgs Mechanism
A $U(N)$ Gauge Theory in Three Dimensions as an Ensemble of Surfaces
A $\hbar$-deformation of the $W_{N}$ algebra and its vertex operators
A $\hbar$-deformed Virasoro Algebra as Hidden Symmetry of the Restricted sine-Gordon Model
A ${\bf Z_2}$ Structure in the Configuration Space of Yang-Mills Theories
A $κ$-Symmetry Calculus for Superparticles
A & B model approaches to surface operators and Toda theories
A (0,2) Mirror Map
A (1+1)-Dimensional Reduced Model of Mesons
A (1,2) Heterotic String with Gauge Symmetry
A (p,q) Deformation of the Universal Enveloping Superalgebra U(osp(2/2))
A (p,q)-deformed Landau problem in a spherical harmonic well: spectrum and noncommuting coordinates
A (Running) Bolt for New Reasons
A 1+1 field theory spectrum from M theory
A 10-form Gauge Potential and an M-9-brane Wess-Zumino Action in Massive 11D Theory
A 1D Model for N-level Atoms Coupled to an EM Field